So I've figured it out, they have had a plan all along! The videos piece together, The windmill island in "Feel good inc." Is were Noodle Is 'Killed' In "El Manana". She escaped death gets on a boat and the same people who tried to kill her in "El Manana" Try again. And agian she escapes onto a life boat. However the rest all have stories too, And i love it. I Just wish Shane Dawson would put up his Wednesday Vlog.
In other news, Will (Ooblick) Is going to New York tommorow, which Sorta sucks nuts, yet at the same time is awesome. It sucks because ima be without my BFF For a while. (Lol i dont even know how long hel be gone for). WAIT, not tommarow! Today :3, In Like... 3 hours. its only 2:45 currently....only 2:45. No wonder this blog entry sucks huge Snorlax nipples. Im Tired.
I Got auj in trouble too. I Wanted to talk to her and she was on her computer, til like 1 talking to me, which is NOT Late :3. but her mommy got mad, thus making it so that today (or yesterday) i couldnt hang out with mylady. :c
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