I know there is a large line going through this all, But! I need to tell you what this blog is about!
Anything on my mind from my rats to my spider to TG to audrey to hay hay to short stories minecraft video games you name it i got it! :D
So thanks,
-Awesome Aka Tessa Aka Nicky Aka Dominic Aka Awesomeplox

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lolol, I'm not surprised that will is into gay bars. ♥ that song.

well, he is gay. I'm actually trying to convince him hes really gay by calling him gay time after time until he caves in. Why? Because the world would just work out better if he was gay. Right?

Ask me anything

Awesome Box: Vlogs

Awesome Box: Vlogs: "Vlog 1 Vlog 2 Vlog 3 Vlog 4 Vlog 5 Vlog 6"

You do realize you can watch my vlogs here riiiight?


How about rather then making a huge 100th post
I just post this video will showed me.

How can will somehow incorporate this into his science project about photosynthesis. We need a way, and its due Tuesday. So we need ideas fast.
100 posts! :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Spit in the face of sleep

I have nothing to talk about tonight, I had a fun day. Went over to Audrey's house, Then when i got home i talked to her on the phone until 2:30 am. Which is fun. You know you actually have fallen in love when you can just talk to them about anything for hours and be happy, and not bored. Then again, She is pretty awesome. Anyway, while i was watching Weeds, I'm on episode like 10 or 11 of season 3. A thought suddenly popped into my head, And yes its about Audrey, its not a good thought though. Well, actually its not so much a bad though either, just a thought.
If you didn't know Audrey has been in a movie, she had lines and shit. It was about a nerd or something. I honestly have no idea, she never really explained the plot to me in great detail. Its called "That's what I am". I figure when it comes out she might get some calls for more movies. But i had a thought, What if she was in a movie, and had a kissing scene in the movie. Would i be mad? I honestly don't think i would be, Well, truthfully i would be, I just wouldn't tell her. That's what i usually do, but what would i do if that happened. I mean, I'm not going to tell her to not do the movie, because for one. She wouldn't listen to me, and also I never want to hold her back.
I really do want to hold her back though, Famous people make me sick. I want her to be happy and successful, but i just, don't want her to be too famous. There are too many other people to chose from when your famous.
Anyway, I'm tired, but not tired enough to sleep. So for now, i will continue to write on this blog. So my mom went out of town for the weekend on Friday, I guess it just slipped my mind too much to make a post about it, but hey! I'm making a post about it now. Live with it. :3 She went to go visit my grandma and other family in Kentucky. To tell you the truth i can't stand my family, other then grandma, shes gangta. the rest are all kinda. Well, i guess to say the truth they weren't raised in New Orleans, my cousin goes to a private school, my uncle is a lawyer, and my aunt is an art teacher at the school. However,  I used to go to a public school, oh i'm sorry. Charter, >.> My mom is something for the newspaper, and my dad is a photographer/couch potato. i dun know, its just the fact he watches star trek with his dad makes me sorta question him. I watch star trek on occasion, but only when i  walk down the little comic book store by my house and they have it playing while the nerdy awesome owners sit around it discussing nerd things.
Woah, I'm tired all the sudden, Audrey asked for a long post, so here you go babe. And the question I asked earlier. Still wondering what would happen there, Uh OH BY THE WAY!!! how could i forget! When i was at audrey's house, she gave me a bunch of stuff. We might or might not of had like a huge fight last night, so she i guess  wanted to say sorry, I started it though. (In my opinion) So she got me a card, Which i acted like i found humoris and like it was stupid but i almost cried while i read it. It said
"I dont ever want to take you for granted
I dont ever want to forget what it was like before you
or how it would be without you.
i don't ever want to forget our first kiss
or our last touch,
or let a day go by
without telling you
how much you mean to me,
how deeply i love you,
and how much i need you.
I dont ever want you to doubt
the way i feel
or how much happier i am
because of you
I love you
There was one she wrote herself too, but she wouldnt like if i posted that here. It has stuff about our little fight in it. Anyway How cute is that, She said that her mom almost wouldn't let her buy it because it was in the "For husbands" Section at the store. Haha, i think were close enough, She also gave me a stuffed animal shes had for a long time, which hurt me to accept something of hers, but she made me take it. and it smells just like her, And it hasnt left my arms since i got in the car to come home.
Anyway, i'm so tired, Goodnight internet, tomorrow i hope to see audrey. <3
I love you guys
I love you so much audrey, you will never know.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gay Fag is Gay

So there was some gay concert today that all the gay preppy girls that are gay whent to.soo i trolled one.

Shortly after the comments were deleted by caroline.

I'm so tired

Ugh, its just now getting light outside. Thats the time of night when i have to make the decision, should I go to sleep tonight or just stay up. Well, tonight, I'm very tired. So goodnight, if everything goes according to plan Audrey and i are hanging out tomorrow/today. So i need some sleep, she gets pissed when I sleep at her house, the truth is, The only 2 times i can really sleep. is when I'm up for fucking 24 hours straight and i'm so tired i can hardly move, or when i'm with her. I wish we could just sleep in the same bed every night. that would be so great. Anyway, back to the whole topic of its six in the morning and i'm tired, I have a head ache, And my eyes hurt. Plus my left clicking finger hurts on the knuckles and my fan is off so I've been sweating large amounts for the last 7 hours as i lay here on my computer playing video games and checking Facebook just to see if your on.
But your not.
So goodnight
-Awesome ;3

Monday, September 6, 2010

Korea's Always Ahead!

At least I think this is korean. I don't care, Its fucking awesome, thats what it is. :3

Just You Know.. A Blog. [: Drakness.

Just You Know.. A Blog. [:: Drakness.: "So I was just looking at some old stuff in one of my folders here on my laptop and I found the amazing story my boyfriend wrote me, it's ac..."

Audrey posted a story of mine on her blog, Read it, READ IT! >:D
Ive been meaning to put this post on my blog for a couple of days, but it kept slipping my mind. Audrey! keep posting! :3 Anyway, i have some Weeds to watch some mines to build and some coke to be drunk...drank? drunken? drinked? uh.


Well, I'm bored :P
I guess this is going to be a short post. But uh
I'm on season 2 episode 8 of weeds.
Minecraft is impossibly fun
Aaand thats about it right now.
So laterrrr

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm One Badass

So I was thinking of how awesome I am, And i stumbled upon this video. its from a summer camp I did in like 5th grade. Anyway, somewhere around the pink pony time. And I had the balls to have a beastly solo, wear sunglasses, and do the closest thing to rap in musical theater. I'm the dude with long hair wearing purple. I'm in the back in the beginning, then I have my epic moment. The time I shined.
Eh at-least I had one moment of my own. Make sure to make it 480P. or you can't see me as well. :3

I'm only in the first song. Anyway, i think i made the little mermaid more like...the little... Slightly more badass and less gay mermaid. Haha. Anyway, Thats all I got for now. I hope i see Audrey tomorrow.
Thats me :3

Minecraft :S

Sorry for not posting on this, But uh. Ive been gaming. Anyway, its late. MORE GAMING TIME