I know there is a large line going through this all, But! I need to tell you what this blog is about!
Anything on my mind from my rats to my spider to TG to audrey to hay hay to short stories minecraft video games you name it i got it! :D
So thanks,
-Awesome Aka Tessa Aka Nicky Aka Dominic Aka Awesomeplox

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Naps, Super Mario 64, And Emo Dogs

I know right? The title just makes you want to read it. Right? Haha, So lemme just make a nice long normal blog. I'm sorry, I haven't been updating this blog very much. I have been really busy actually and my computer is still not fixed. All i need is a charger, but its a giant Asus gaming laptop, So the charger is large. And costs 30 bucks. For now, I'm putting that off. It makes it hard however to pull all nighters when you have to be in the front room all night. Which means if anyone gets up to go take a wiss or get a drink I get bitched at.
Anyway! My day, My day started yesterday, Audrey and I hungout yesterday. And then i came home at like 11 Pm. Then i decided. Why go to bed? So i stayed up all night. And then Today we hung out again. And we took a nap because she pulled an allnighter as well. But after we woke up we were both really hyper, well i was still really tired, so she had to poke me to wake me up. e.e Anyway, we all hung out and played as if we were all three year old's. And it was awesome. :) I had a really fun day. And tonight. I'm Pulling another Allnighter!
In other news, i have 42 Stars in Super Mario 64. So i have like 58 More to go! that's not that bad right? And while i do it, i use my super bad ass battle music. (Katy Perry) Here i come Bowser! >:D
Shit, my dogs crying. Bad dream i guess. Brb
Back! :D
Okay well, i have lots of video games and lost to do. So seeya guys! And if you need more of me, check out my Vlog page. ^ I have plenty to entertain you for a while. Or to fap to.. That works too.

My tops

I'm super bored. its 8 in the morning. Hmmm What to do :3
So heres what im doin
My Favorite songs
  1. Creep -Radio Head     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkzRNyygfk&ob=av2n Embedding isn't allowed. So here is the link ^ That is by far my favorite song ever. <3 Its sad, but idk its awesome. And when it was first released they were forced to take it off the radio because it was to depressing. So that's always good.
  2.  Hard to stay -Nice Peter   http://nicepeter.com/home.cfm He has a little music player and its on it. Anyway NicePeter is a comedy artist, but this song is awesome and serious. And it makes me sorta happy. but sorta sad. :)
  3. Anyone Else But you -Michael Cera And Ellen Page I know i know, i already linked this in my last post. but hey, its my 3rd favorite song, so live with it :33
  4. Black Sheep -Metric This was in Scott Pilgrim and i have the OST so i listen to it allot. :)
  5. Forget About Dre -Dr. Dre Feat. Eminem Yes. Just yes. :333 This song however is tied with this song --> I dont know wich i like more :P
Well, ima go do something ells to consume my time until girlfriend wakes up

 by the way
After those is Olive you, What I Got, And El Manana

But you

Hey Audrey,
I love you
Our song <3

'nuf said amiright?
So just wanted to post that
SHIT its 5:45 in the morning
My moms about to get up
Nah ima just play it cool
"Oh hey mom"
"your up?"
"yeeeeeah, my uh... alarm on my phone whent off at 6"
Perfect :3
Anyway, I pulled an all nighter! :D
With audrey!
So anyway
Seeya guys later
I love you auj

damn... im sorta tired..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Adventures of Audrey and I Chapter 2

 The Adventures of Audrey and I
Chapter 2
Moving day

The day of the move in

    “Were does this box go?”
    “Your mom”
    “Nicky, I really thought you would outgrow that over time”
    “Sorry babe, Well whats in it?”
    “Just put them by the door”
    She walked over to the door and put down the box then went outside to get another box or something. Will came up to me.
    “Yo dog” he said while sitting down on a large box “Nice place”
    “Mhm, I like it, Ive never seen it this roomy in here though, you know, unfurnished”
    “Yeah, it must be weird, Listen, i need your say in something.”
    “Okay, go ahead”
    “You know how I'm sorta. well”
    “Yeah. that's the word. well, I want a better life.”
    “Like a wife?”
    “Hey, not so fast, A girlfriend”
    “Common, please i need your support.”
    “I guess. but bro, who?”
    “I don't know”
    “Your not helping will.”
    “And you are?”
    “Sorry, i just don't know who”
    “that's harsh, I've always backed you up”

6 years ago

    “bro.” I looked at will
    “Yeah? what do you need now?”
    “What do i do?”
    “Fucking run to Canada”
    “No, I'm staying with her”
    “I'll drive”
    “I'll bring the soft drinks”
    “Then i cant help you.”
    “Bro i need your support”
    “Don't care, you got a buck?”

Moving day again

    “Well, Almost always..” Will walked away.
    Then Hailie came slowly walking into the room with a box just about 2 times her body mass, and half of her weight. She always did that. She loves to get the heaviest thing to carry in. Whenever we go to get groceries we all know who is going to try and get 32 bags then fall on her way up the steps drop something a cry out of guilt. That's Hailie for you. One time she dropped the mac n cheese and hid the broken box so nobody would know, and when I asked were all the mac and cheese had gone she started crying and confessed as if her life was on the line.
    She put the box down, well dropped it, then huffed and puffed as she sat down next to it.
    “Daddy, This house is big.” She looked around admiring the empty living room “Is it haunted?”
    “Yeah, you know, ghostys that come out and hurt me” She looked liggitly frightened “Trust me daddy, I’m an expert on it, Will told me all about it.” Yeah, really.. I should've known.
    Hailie then continued with her large box that she was most likely going to insist on keeping as her play house later just like she always does when she gets her hands on a box. I decided I had done enough standing around and went outside to actually help with moving in. So I walked outside and closed it behind me, looking out on the small but familiar porch. Home.

Later that day

    “So how do you guys like the house?” I said as I sat down on our couch, the only thing in our front room other then a pile of  boxes in the corner by the door.
    “I love it” Said Hailie showing with her arms how much she loved it.
    “That's a whole Lotta love” Audrey said then giggled.
    Will walked into the front room, and sat down on the one couch.
    “Comfy. Yo Nicky, two things. In the bathroom do I have to put up the seat”
    “What?! Ah whatever, and number two, do you have any clean white T-shirts?”
    “Yeah, in one of the boxes in my room”
    “Our room” Audrey but in
    “Mk, Can I borrow it?”
    “Bro sure, but why do you need it?”
    “I was thinking of wearing it under this hoodie,”
    “And why are you dressing up?” Audrey said leaning back into the couch.
    “I have a date”
    Everyone leaned forward, and I stood up. “WHAT?” we all seamed to exclaim at the same time, well all except Hailie. Who was very busy singing the alphabet as loudly as possible. And messing up every 3 letters.
    “yeah, Some chick I met on World of Warcraft. We played together for like a year straight. And uh, turns out she lives just out in the suburbs.”
    “That's a love story” Said Audrey
    Haile repeated Audrey “YEAH! That's a love story!” Giggles. Woah, she was really hyper tonight.
    “Yeah, anyway, Can I borrow a shirt?”
    “Yeah, Sure.”
    Will walked out of the room leaving the scent of the heavy colone he was wearing.
    “Woah is right”  
    “WOAH!” Haile yelled waving her hands in the air.

Audreys house :D

Ima Going to audrey's house!
next chapter of my book later tonight
but for now, if you need advise.
Just ask this guy


Fuzz buzz the action thriller?

So, im working on the second chapter to my story. But the plot hasnt quite developed in my mind so its hard to do. It might be out by tomorrow for all you crazy fans. Oh wait. :C
Anywho, tomorow what am i up to tomorow. uh. I'm getting woken up in the morning by a verry pretty girl. And uh by that i mean i do beleve audrey is going to wake me up. And then were going to go to the park, and go to some homeschool group thing. Have i meantioned yet im homeschooled? Eh whatever. So i am.
Haha A little late there.
In other news im now addicted to Lost. Which is funny because up until about a week ago i made fun of people who got addicted to TV shows, but now im horribly addicted to one my self. 
Btw- I'm temped to make a FuzzBuzz video for Youtube. Like a really awesome one. With guns and awesome effects and stuff, and puns, and bears. Ya know? Well if you didnt know fuzz buzz is a stuffed animal. A teddy bear. I have quite a few of them myself. So anyway.
Night guys
Enjoy. And stay far far away from lost, unless you want to get sucked in even though they dont make it anymore.
i love you audrey <3

Monday, August 23, 2010

(The Adventures of Audrey And I) -Chapter One-

 The Adventures of Audrey and I
Chapter One
A problem with glasses

(: By Me :)

    “Nicky, Tell your friend he can’t stay past Christmas”
    “You really expect me to tell him that?”
    “Hes been living on our couch for three months babe, its annoying”
    “But hes my friend, Ive known him for years.”
    “Guysh,” That's how  Hailie always says guys, “Can we please not do this at dinner?”
    “Sorry Hay-Hay”
    “And I like having Ooblick here”
    “His name is William, William, not Ooblick.” Said Audrey
    “Eh, well that's his user name babe,”
    “World of Warcraft?”
    “You bet!”
    Giggles, this was the first argument in months and duh, it had to be about Will. Hes my best friend ever since I was like 3. He and I grew up together and lately jobs haven't really been coming in plenty to him, so he’s been crashing on our couch. We all like him, Well truly we all love him. Its just, when we were little Will wouldn't eat at all practically. That has changed. He eats all of our food, which is funny because when we were like 13 I used to go to his house when I was hungry and raid his fridge. I guess this was his evil payback, doing the same thing to me and wife.
    Enough about will, Hi there, I’m Nicky Sisco. I live with my wife Audrey, and we have one kid, Hailie. We live in a 1 bedroom apartment with a kitchen/living room. And a used to be office that is now Hailie's room, which isn't very much. Considering shes getting pretty big. Shes 6 and I’m 21, Audrey is 22. We’ve been happily married, more or less since 18. And yes Hailie was born When Audrey was only 17. That my friend was quite a hassle. One of those times when you think, Oh well I guess I'm never talking to her parents again, But then strangely they call just about every 2 days just to. “Check on us”. More like, remind Audrey that with our shitty money situation we couldn't afford another kid so to always wear protection. Oh gee, what ells would I rather hear coming out of my wife's parents mouths.
        Anyway, back to Will, hes quite the character I must say. The type you would see outside of some store in the mall waiting for a girl to come out so he can hit on her. I keep him around for the sake of Hailie, and because all of his money went towards his huge computer that he lets me use as rent, and his TV. That's right, without Will I wouldn't have a TV. I don't know about you guys, but i like TV.

After Dinner 

        I was laying down in my bed that was really just a large mattress on the floor in the corner of our room facing were we would put a TV if we had one that Will didn't own. He put his by the couch were he slept/lived. Anyway, i was laying there with my eyes closed trying to get some shut eye, when the mattress moved a bit as if someone had crawled in it as well.
        “Hey babe, A bit early to hit the sack isn't it?”
        “Heh, not really.”
        “Its 3:20 In the afternoon.”
        Loooooong silence.
        “Just stressed i guess” I groaned, And she put her arm over me. My back was to her. “This whole Will thing”
        “Oh common! He can move back in with his mom can’t he?”
        About 3 months ago, will moved out from his moms. It was pretty hard for him. Not to leave his mom and dad. But to leave his brother, who also had problems leaving the house, But will did it. Taking with him his laptop, TV. And leaving a note saying “Fuck you guys *heart* -Will”.
        “That might be a bit hard to do”
        “You should go visit his mom and dad and see about it” *Cheek kiss*
        “Fine, I'll do it tomorrow.”


I was standing on wills mom and dads porch when it hit me how  little i wanted to do this, Too late. I had already rung the doorbell. So they came to the door.
        “Nicky?” His mom smiled “Nicky! How  long has it been?”
        “Uh Six years.”
        “Mmm that was it. Ever since you made a very bad decision with a girl.”
        “Audrey and I are actually quite happy together”
        “You didn’t ditch? Eh wait another year, Would you like to  come in”
        “Not really, I have somewhere to be, But this is Wills number. Give him a call. Hes been living with me “

Back home

        “Babe, were out of nacho cheese sauce”
        “My B” Hailie said from the couch while her and will watched old children shows
        “How much did you have baby”
        “Well, like this much” She showed with her hands to say, All of it.
        Wills phone rang.   
        “Ooh who could it be?” Will grinned “Could it be a girl”
        Audrey looked at me.
        “Oh shit balls”
        Hailie giggled.
        “Girl, This is no time to laugh, This is time to run. Its my mom.”
        “You should pick up  bro, It might be important.” I said “Your dad might'v died”
        Audrey gave me a look like “What the hell!?”
        “Fine” Will said. “Hello? Mom, Yeah this is will. Uh how are you? Yeah I'm pretty good. Mhm, i miss you too. What? Come home? I’m pretty happy here actually.”
        Audrey’s look at me changed from hatred to “Oh gee! This might work”
        “Yeah i know mom” Will continued “Nicky? No hes not a bad influence, Mom common I'm not thirteen anymore”
        Giggles came from both girls.
        “Be right back mom,” Will put the phone down “She wants me back home, what do i do?”
        Dramatically Hailie shouted out “DUN DUN DUN!” As if it was a movie.
        “Well, They certainly can cook better then us”
        “Yeah your cooking is shit.”
        “Yeah,  shit shit shit!” Hailie repeated. Then stopped after getting evil eyed by Audrey and I. Will put his face back to his phone and said, You caught me in a bad time mom I will call you back later, like in a day, he then hung up as fast as he could.

In a day
    I woke up Will as early as I could, Which was when I woke up. So in short, I woke will up around noon. This, will was not very happy about. He is one fellow that enjoys sleep. Anyway, we all sat around the kitchen table for breakfast/lunch. When I decided to say it.
    “Will, I honestly don’t think you can live here anymore.” I sighed after I said it.
    Really I don’t think there could have been a worse thing to say at that point. Will frowned and bit his lip.
    “I really like it here guys, I know that you guys don’t have very much room and all, but am i really in the way?”
    “Dude, I walked in on you jacking off”
    “Oh yeah, but that was so long ago my friend”
    “If by so long ago you mean last night”
    Giggles from Audrey, followed by Hailie, Not because she thought the situation was funny considering she didn't know what “jacking off” is, just because of the fact Audrey was laughing she decided to join.
    “Gimme one more day?” Will said

One more day later

    Will was packing his bags, which consisted of 3 whit T-shirts, 2 Blue polo shirts, And 2 long white pants, His Tv and his Computer. When I got a call.
    “Yeah, uh Nick?”
    “Tony?!” It was my brother
    “Yeah, mom and dad moved to some beach to go retire. and they left us some shit.”
    “Considering I’m perfectly well off because i got an eduacation” He yelled into his phone “They left me some computers and a camera they left you the house.”
    “Woah, no shit?”
    “No shit bro. Its all yours.”
    “Cool! Should I call them and say thankyou?”
    “Nah, they dont like talking to you, it reminds them of how much of a failure you are”
    “So you can go claim it whenever you want”
    “Nice!” I hung up and put my phone down "Will you can stay"

Sunday, August 22, 2010


 Short post
Well, today i hung out with a certain someone. But it was a pretty typical day. So no real update for today, Sorry ima make a nice long update when i can. And sorry also about not making a vlog in a while. Btw Audrey likes my nose. :3 No idea why that is. I hate it :P