Whats up with me.
Currently I'm looking at a pet, but not so much a pet to play with like my rats. My rats are for fun, they are cute and fun to pet and play with and great for guests because they are really lovable. even if you don't like rats. And that is great, However they really are a but much. I have three of them and that is allot of pets to play with, so I'm trying to give on to Audrey. That one is Sock. Until Audrey has Sock i cannot proceed with getting new animals.
As i said earlier the rats are great companions, and hopefully in the near future i will bread them for fun and have tons and tons of rats, not until i make a large place for them to live though, because right now they are all in a pretty small aquarium except sock who is in her own cage because if i put them together fatty will totally bitch slap sock. Anyway the next pet I'm looking for will be a scientific pet. One that i can study and write large essays and such on.
- My first option for said pet was an alligator. I was going to see how much weight and length of time it gained. My mom said yes to the idea of an alligator, however they may or may not be legal so i would have to get a Caimyn or however you spell that. they are crocodiles and don't get quite as big as alligators or something like that. I really don't know. But for one that would not work very well because of salt water, and two. I like my fingers. So an alligator is at the bottom of my list.
- My next idea was to get mice. A male mouse and a female, put them in a home with each other and see how much in a month, two months or three months the population would increase or decrease. I found that to be a very cool idea because of the fact that mice are cool animals. however the death to birth ratio may be bad and they may die off within a couple of days which obviously would not be good. Along with that i would need a big place. and i place they couldn't escape from. And i already have rodents so its not very different.
- The third idea was to get an incubator for eggs, which you can get a small 3 egg incubator for around 25 dollars. from there i would get a bird type that i like such as a chicken or a dove, and raise it in an incubator. then if its a dove or other naturally wild bird set it free or keep it. If its another type of bird such as a chicken or a turkey. then i would keep it as livestock because chickens are actually legal in the city. This i think would be fun and i think i could do allot on behavior and the fact of feed and other things. I think it would just be awesome.
- As a side project I'm hoping to do things with meal worms, which as there name says whether its on purpose or not. Are to feed animals like reptiles. I would put them in a deep tank with sawdust, from there they will create tunnels and then turn into beetles. I will get super meal worms and small, and medium just so there is different types.