I know there is a large line going through this all, But! I need to tell you what this blog is about!
Anything on my mind from my rats to my spider to TG to audrey to hay hay to short stories minecraft video games you name it i got it! :D
So thanks,
-Awesome Aka Tessa Aka Nicky Aka Dominic Aka Awesomeplox

Saturday, May 28, 2011

with portals

Intile: they got it playable and everything
Intile: then gabe called a meeting and said
Intile: "we're making portal 2. without portals"
Intile: then slammed his head on the desk
Intile: and now we have portal 2
Tessa: LOL
Intile: (with portals)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Intile Jokes

  • When Intile has a one night stand its called an In-trial.
  • Intile doesn't know kungfu, but his dick does.
  • Intile is going to go out in flames, not die. Just every time he goes out dramatic flames follow him.
  • The only reason that there is a bottle museum in Intiles town is because he is the world leader of drinking beer. and having sex with nine people at the same time.
  • Some mothers feed their babies Intile feces hoping some of his sexy will rub off onto them.
  • When dorithy walks into woods she says Intiles, Ryans, and Holmes. not lions tigers or bears, because as i said earlier, intiles dick knows kungfu.. Lions dont know kungfu..
  • When intile fought chuck norris he won by crouching in the corner and using hadukin. but like a pro