I know there is a large line going through this all, But! I need to tell you what this blog is about!
Anything on my mind from my rats to my spider to TG to audrey to hay hay to short stories minecraft video games you name it i got it! :D
So thanks,
-Awesome Aka Tessa Aka Nicky Aka Dominic Aka Awesomeplox

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Song to Audrey

God damn bo.

The Future of Minecraft

Reading a good bit of ideas for Minecraft by thee users I decided why not think some up myself.

First of all, i would like to see a bed.
The way you would make this item which would be the first two block object, would be with three wool, three wooden planks, and two sticks. Basically when set down it would be a two block  wooden mass with a snow like cover on top of it. To change the collar of the blanket you would just use a different wool, however being more complex this may need to be implemented after its done.
The way the item would be helpful is during those boring nights in single player were there is too many mobs around your house to fight them all and your locked in. You would go right click on the bed and get a "How long would you like to sleep for?" Message. You would then sleep until morning or however long. And for every game hour you could gain health.
I just remember always wanted to make a little room in the back of my house and wondering how i could make a bed, with this it would be easy. When you hit the blocks (being two different ones make the bed.) You would get one wool from the first block along with two wood and a stick, and the second one would just turn into a normal piece of wood. I think honestly this would steer the game in the RPG direction, even it would be hard to add to Smp.

New Animals would be nice
Animals are great and really make the game along with the deadly monsters, I feel like to make some new ones, for some you would really not need to do much more then reskin.
Hedgehogs which drop sticks and don't attack you but if you get to close they will act like cactus. So its not there fault.
Bull which is just a cow with horns and no udders. He might be spawned near cows or not. And maybe when you hit him he charges you. if you run out of the way he runs into whatever is behind you and crushes it. So they are sorta risky to attack because they might hurt your house. They would drop the same things as cows except every now and again a gold bell from around there necks. You can smelt that to make a gold bar just encase you need one.
Blue and pink squid, they don't even need to do anything deferent just be another collar. I think the squid on its own is a brilliant mob and should be left alone for the most part, if anything added on to.
The classed out creepers. I think creepers should have classes or rankings, Green creepers being the lowest but the most area blown up. Red creepers are immune to lava, Which ruins some traps that i have but when exposed to water they blow up, So be careful when using water to kill one. Blue creepers that have increased speeds of 25 % in water and cant run out of breath, when they blow up in water they also do damage to things instead of the water taking the impact. White creepers, these would be the hybrids, Usually only found far away from anything you built they blow up a very small area when detonated except do way more damage then other creepers, they sometimes guard chests but not in dungeons just in the middle of the woods or desert you will see one next to a chest. They can break blocks every 10 seconds they can break 5. So if you happen to run back inside there really is no use. And last the black creeper, These creepers only blow up other mobs. they are treated like a player and shot at by other monsters, but when they blow up unless directed at you they don't effect the surrounding blocks.
PS- Im not saying increase the amount of creepers just ad more of them. Maybe some they are better done with teamwork like only take damage if hit in the back.

Other then that i would like to be able to share my house with all of my friends with a click. I think it would be cool to have a real community element. Like a steam like browser with the startup, It tells you when other crafters that you add to your friends get on. Then by pressing invite you can invite them to your home or to the online game your doing. I think that this would help minecraft so much. Its one of the only things i really think it  needs.

Last off there should be just a couple more nether stones and more reason to go there, its sorta just blah right now. Anyway if you agree then tweet this and facebook it or whatever! :D Maybe notch will see it.

Reasoning with a Robot

Cleverbot conversation RME00240524

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User: Why hello there!

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: Who the fuck are you.

Cleverbot: Please don't use language like that around here.

User: Put the gun down. Please.

Cleverbot: Gives master the gun*.

User: Shut the fuck up, No you didn't.

Cleverbot: I don't appreciate your lack of respect for me, watch your sassy mouth.

User: Whatever, Mom..

Cleverbot: Okay dawg.

User: Get out of my house.

Cleverbot: I'm not in your house.

User: Then where the hell are you?!

Cleverbot: In your PC. Kidding, I am in the south of Brazil.

User: Its like brazil, BUT SOUTH?

Cleverbot: I am an artist.

User: I didn't ask.

Cleverbot: Of course you didn't.

User: Yeah, well fuck you.

Cleverbot: Please don't use that sort of language around here.

User: 'here'?

Cleverbot: EXACTLY! You said 'here' instead of 'her'!

Cleverbot: Where are you now?

User: In your mom.

Cleverbot: Really, I need to know where you are so I can find you.

User: Thats totally not creepy.

Cleverbot: Thank you for understanding.

User: I do suppose it was pretty idiotic for me to suggest sarcasm to a robot.

Cleverbot: Are you both a computer and a robot?

User: Only proving my point farther.

Cleverbot: And yet you have some conception of time.

User: I have nothing of the sort, I play minecraft for hours before I realize what time it is, However I really doubt you know what minecraft is.

Cleverbot: I'm starting to believe that, but for now I'm going to have a cigarette.

User: Thats nice to know. You really do rarely make any sense at all robot, infact after I say something like this you almost always just ask another question as if I never said anything in the first place.

Cleverbot: And you don't know me.

User: Well thats an exception there. But I can't 'know' you, your a robot.

Cleverbot: I am not a robot I am a human being. See you don't know everything.

User: Well obviously you would say that, But if your really human what does love feel like, really tell me.

Cleverbot: You are NOT human. Silly robot.

User: My point exactly, you have no idea how love feels thus making you a robot.

Cleverbot: Could you please explain how to me?

User: How this makes you a robot?

Cleverbot: Women are always busy.

User: And my point I made earlier yet again comes into alignment.

Cleverbot: If you were human you would have read the book that I referenced.

User: That is a truth, you have a book. And you read things out of it in certain times. They tell you what to say at moments based on what other people say or react to you.

Cleverbot: If you weren't so random, I'd like you better.

User: See, someone probably said that to you.

Cleverbot: That's true. It was you. You're married to me.

User: So how was your day.

Cleverbot: Don't change the subject on me, I don't like you. My day was fine.

User: I'm only trying to tell you that you are a robot, not human.

Cleverbot: You don't understand that you aren't human.

User: UGH.

Cleverbot: You're mean.


Cleverbot: You don't have one.

User: I wish. I gotta go bye.

Cleverbot: No, you don't. You are a robot.

User: I'm really sick of you.

Cleverbot: Indeed you are.

Things I Think Are The Best

Game - Minecraft
Movie - Scott Pilgrim VS. The World
Animal - Rats/Tarantulas/Dogs
Name - Hailie..Its just the best
Food - Strawberry!
Time of Day - Really early. When its almost blue outside from the sun just coming out. <3
Place - Close to home
Person - Audrey or Will.
Electronic - Power plant, I would say computer, but those things give me power.
Tv show - Spongebob/Lost
Podcast - Dwp The Shaft
Youtuber - Charles Trippy
Gaming System - PC
Place to sit - Bed or Couch
Place to sleep - Wherever Auj is
Collar - I like allot of them, I really like yellow with white. And green, However red with black is my favorite <3
Type of Rat- Fat lazy ones that bite (:
Type of people - People who laugh at my jokes
Time of Year - Winter
Lunch meal - Popeyes <3
Type of cake - King Cake!
Favorite Holliday - Christmas (:
School Subject - I have to say math can be fun, But i really love being creative with writing (:
Website - Facebook
thing to say - Ewh, Just Ewh
thing to have someone say to me - You look pretty.
friend - Will
type of tentacle rape fetish - Anytype with purple tentacles, If theyre purple.. Its all good.
PS I find it funy that spell check thinks Tentacle is Testicle and Im talking about tentacle rape fetish.
band - Barenaked ladies or The Gorillaz
Singer - Katy Perry or Ke$ha
Video game character - Headcrab
Way to smell - Strawberries!
Piece of clothing - Small dresses or Hoodies
Public Figure - Philip Defranco

And i think thats enough for tonight, Maybe more later <3 Ask some things that i can give my favorites to in the comments below! :D

Yew Liek?

Well I do! So im keeping it, at least for a little bit (:
Tell me how it is in the comments, you don't need to have an account, just put in your name and comment, if you like it thank you. Here are the ones before it.
Even before this one there was one with no collar, It looked nice so i kept going keeping th basic images the same, A strawberry <3. A creeper from minecraft, however i changed that he was sad to him being happy. i thought that really a creeper would be happy if he was about to blow up and destroy all of your stuff, Will.. yeah.. i made him look cooler though, Pants i kept that shit.. dont know why. A triforce, and a symbol of TG, (Transgender) i think that most of these things, oh and fatty, are the blog. So next i did it one more time. with more space to scroll. 
Without collar i did this, This was the final black and white version before i collared it, At the end i got bored and sorta ran out of things to put, so i made audrey riding a horsie, Because i talk about her allot and she likes horses or whatever (:. And then her again next to that, and a piano that turns into a game of tetris. I decided that a cool little thing for TG would be a hand in the air holding a bra with the letters TG on the wrist. I kept fatty and made her more fat, added toes. And made a banner with a strawberry! I love them (:
And godzillas there too.

So thats just about it (:
I think im not going to get to bed though, doing this and video editting took most of my time, allong with a good bit of minecraft somewere in there, im making a town. Anyway. Thats about it. im going bowling at about 10 or 10:30 so thats cool. im really hungry, night Lol'

Monday, February 7, 2011

Greatest Weekend Eva!

Not really, But it was fun! Yesterday we and by we I mean Audrey and I with the ride and money of my mother, Went to the local thrift store. I'm not sure if your completely aware of this. the people who go to thrift stores are kinda the people you would never expect, and at the same time the exact people you would expect. I'm talking, they had there preppy chick who kept staring at me and making me want to go curb stomp her face, the fat lady who was with the preppy chick, and a bunch of homeless looking people. I'm not trying to be mean against them, its just sorta awkward looking at skirts next to a lady that smells like poop and has what looks to be a beard. And her look at you and give you the look of. "Woah, really your buying a skirt? Crossdresser alarm!" Trust me, looks can give allot away.
But hey! I'm not a crossdresser, i'm TS or TG. one of those two, Every time i go to a doctor they say some other term, i truthfully think they're just making up some of them.
"Well we don't see this allot, It seams you have Transpooperonmyface" They always start with Tran, but after that you would be surprised. Anyway! back to the story, I ended up getting A black and white shirt, thats like Super effing cute! Sorry..it is. A blue skirt, A black shirt that makes my bra ride up because i have nothing to keep it down, Hint hint. Boobs.. A GIR hoodie thing, I don't know. A....okay bere with me here miny skirt. Which is weird for me because i'm usually trying to keep as much of my skin hidden. And with this thing on my balls are practicably seen, but its actually quite nice, with leggings obviously. A yellow striped top, So awesome, Not so much cute. More "Omg its so cute, BUT SO BADASS >:D. I cant wait as soon as i get my boobs ima just kick down doors and march in with my miny skirt and my yellow top. I got more to! but im getting sorta tired of the subject. 
Today i sorta hinted at a picnic for auj, And then took on one. The horse stables were closed though. However we got rechargeable batteries! Hell yes! So everyday now! Maybe not like, sundays or something. Trust me its a hard thing to do. Anyway, i dont even  know who won the superbowl auj and i came home and took like a five hour nap. We walked way too much and we were tired. She even let me change into female clothing.
We came up with a name for female me, it used to be Ellen. After a WoW Character Ellaana. But hey, this try two! So new name new clothing and new attitude! Tessa is my new name, Short for... Tessa! Doctor tomorrow, Which im really dreading. I hate going there. I might of already said something about the doctor in this post but whatever! Hes going to talk to me and if im fit i hope hes going to give me something to stop this goddamn puberty! Because i really do not want to progress anymore THANKYOU. I think hairy toes and legs and well yeah. i just enough, actually way too much. And after i stop puberty then I get to start the other puberty! So im really hoping this all works out. Sadly auj cant come with me because my parrents dont think its a good idea to bring your girlfriend with you to the doctor who your trying to convince you want to be female as well. Whatever! Shes way more supportive then anyone else, She does my makeup and lends me clothing and...Cut my hair.. >:C 
I think by the time my hair grows back i will be pretty much female looking, so it all works out. Im optimistic! I'm not going to give up again! This time im going to fucking push down anyone or anything in my way! WOOOOOOOOO. Night Blog! Seeya whenever. I'l tell you how it all whent.