Apparently its only Thursday. I thought it was Friday. So yesterday, Well. Like 5 hours ago. Its 3:30. Anyway, we were like. Its Thursday! I Have to leave for vacation in like 2 days. So we were all sad. However, it was only Wednesday. I feel so smart. :3 Anyway, Another day to spend with her, so I'm happy. However I'm NOT happy about my dad not buying me Tf2. He said he would buy it for me, But he still hasn't. Now hes saying Friday he will. Which is tomorrow. And thats how i figured out i was a day behind.
I'm in the mood to make a really long blog post. And i have all night so why the hell not! Right now i have my computer's Itunes on shuffle, and it keeps playing Greenday, And by the way. I Hate Greenday. Well i don't hate them. they're okay. Not as good as like Modest Mouse, Or most of the bands I usually listen to, but i don't like them that much. Anyway, for some reason unknown my computer keeps playing the only songs i like from them. and i'm rockin out. Haha, well that is until my dad walked in and was like. "Dude. its 3:30 in the morning, i don't care if you go to sleep but just turn down that music." Good old dad.
So you will never guess what i did today! I hung out with Audrey! what? nobodies surprised? Fuck you guys! Haha Jk. Uh but I did hang out with her. And she is so awesome. However we keep getting in little 'disagreements'. And today, it made her sad when we got in one. And their always over really stupid shit we shouldn't be arguing about. But whatever. I still love her, and she still loves me, so i'm happy. Anyway, As soon as i got there we started to wrestle. Oh lord! I haven't told you guys about the emo joke i made like 5 days ago!
Me and Audrey were watching a movie and i was talking about how emo she was, then her mom called her, but on her way out she tripped off the bed. thus falling out of the bed. and i said, "Audrey see your emo. only emo people fall out of the bed" And so now whenever she or i falls out of the bed the other yells. "Emo!". And sometimes we try and make the other fall out. so we were doing that. and her mom walks in and shes like, What are you two doing. Considering we were all over each other trying to push each other off the bed. Audrey was like "Wrestling" And her mom casually walked out.
Now moms, truthfully, if your daughter said she was wrestling with her boyfriend what would you think? Haha never mind. I'm not even going to go there. These blog posts take way too long. I wish they only took like 5 seconds, however if i put any thought or try to make them good, they take FOREVER. Anyway. I might stop now. I think this ones the longest so far, haha
Now for the 5 reasons why Audrey is awesome of the Week
- She actually gives a fuck about me. Like today she made we stop biting my fingers. and hell yes im going to stop. when my parents say stop there is no real reason to, but Audrey is different. she said to stop. and she got her pink nail filer. and made them less nasty. I love her. and i haven't chewed on them yet. :3
- She loves animals. she cares so much about wild animals, and others. She really does. even when im playing red dead redemption she wont let me shoot my horse. haha.
- She knows how to change my mood. if she needs to she can so easily make me happy, and smile. and love her. and if she wants to she can also make me feel guilty just as fast. or any other emotion ;) <- Winky face
- Shes herself around me, Some girls change into completely different people around there boyfriends. they try and hide their mess ups, or whats wrong with them. but Audrey doesn't hide a thing, shes completely comfy around me. I guess she has nothing to hide shes perfect. :3
- She likes my family. Well this is pretty much the same as 2. HAHAHA PWND. anyway, she doesn't hate my family. which is awesome considering i have a crazy dad. an annoying mom who cant cook (love you mom) and a brother whos a freak. Well equal to the amount of freak as me. haha i just hide it around her. sorta
Okay, that has made this long <3
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