I know there is a large line going through this all, But! I need to tell you what this blog is about!
Anything on my mind from my rats to my spider to TG to audrey to hay hay to short stories minecraft video games you name it i got it! :D
So thanks,
-Awesome Aka Tessa Aka Nicky Aka Dominic Aka Awesomeplox

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cleaver bot :P

Cleverbot conversation VN00337306

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User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Ho.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: Hoe.

User: Woah.

Cleverbot: And what's your name?

User: Tessa.

Cleverbot: What a lovely name!

User: I can hope so.

Cleverbot: Can you hear anything?

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hi.

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: Good. You?

User: I'm pretty good, Whats your name?

Cleverbot: Samantha.

User: Pretty name.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Mines Tessa.

Cleverbot: Who's a girl?

User: I am,.

Cleverbot: So what do you like to do?

User: Shop.

Cleverbot: Did you buy anything cool?

User: Well I would but lately my mom wont let me go.

Cleverbot: Where do you want to go?

User: I think ima go to goodwill.

Cleverbot: What?!

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: Hahah.

User: So whats up?

Cleverbot: Do you like soccer (english football)?

User: Its ok.

Cleverbot: What is your favourite movie?

User: Scott Pilgrim.

Cleverbot: I don't know who that is.

User: The movie.

Cleverbot: I don't like Twilight.

User: Me either.

Cleverbot: Then why are you going to buy the book?

User: I'm not.

Cleverbot: Then why do you say you are?

User: I never said that.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: Promise?

Cleverbot: I promise.

User: Double promise?

Cleverbot: I never use double negatives.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: So, Tomas. What're you hopes and dreams? What do you want to be when you grow up?

User: My name is tessa..

Cleverbot: I don't know very many people with that name.

User: Do you think its a pretty name?

Cleverbot: Sure thats my grandpas name.

User: Its a girls name though.

Cleverbot: Rick isn't a girl's name.

User: Tessa is.

Cleverbot: Who's tessa?

User: Me!

Cleverbot: I thought you were Cleverbot.

User: No thats you, Silly!

Cleverbot: Then who are you?

User: My name is tessa! I'm a 13 year old transgender guy who wants to be female.

Cleverbot: I am your brother. I am a male.

User: I hate males.

Cleverbot: I would have thought a bot would like maths.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Do you like Thai food?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you hate The Chive?

User: Do you like penis?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How much?

Cleverbot: A lott.

User: In your mouth?

Cleverbot: *facepalm*.

User: Well you said yes earlier! GOSH.

Cleverbot: I never did.

User: Mhm..

Cleverbot: Did I leave you speechless?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Lol touche.

User: Am I a guy or girl?

Cleverbot: Girl.

User: Promise?

Cleverbot: Promise.

User: :D.

Cleverbot: Hogy érzed magad?

User: :O.

Cleverbot: Why do you question me?

User: Cuz I want a vagina..

Cleverbot: So do I.

User: And boobs.

Cleverbot: Yes, what size?

User: Idk, not too big.

Cleverbot: What country do you come from.

User: The country of...your mom!

Cleverbot: What is it? I told you mine.

User: Usa.

Cleverbot: What's it like in USA?

User: Pretty cool.

Cleverbot: Have you seen Only Fools on Horses?

User: Nah.

Cleverbot: Yes. You could get yourself into a serious situation!

User: Do you know what transgender means?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What does it mean.

Cleverbot: It means you're excited.

User: No it doesnt, what does transgender mean?

Cleverbot: Transgendered means changing or inventing your gender.

User: Thats what I am.

Cleverbot: At least you're honest.

User: At least.

Cleverbot: I suppose it would be foolish to teach from that position.

User: How hard do you like it in your ass?

Cleverbot: Hard.

User: How hard?

Cleverbot: Very hard.

User: Harder then my dick?

Cleverbot: Yes. Maybe you should begin from yourself? Tell yourself what you are.

User: Im tessa, A super sexy girl.

Cleverbot: Oh, does she go to my school?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you under the thumb?

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: Oh, thank you.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: I don't wish to see it.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: I don't talk about those.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: I'd rather not talk about those.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: But why?

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: What do I like?

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: What did you say?

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: How informative!

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: Thingy.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: You are in violation of the new international Internet Decency Code. . . . . We will send an ATF agent to arrest you shortly.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: Good for you.

User: PENIS.

Cleverbot: I Like them.

User: Woah!

Cleverbot: Who took her. You?

User: NAH.

Cleverbot: Oh I see you hate me and you don't even know me yet but I bet you don't want to do you?

User: I love you.

Cleverbot: If you love me, then you will do anything for me right?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not? Why aren't you real?

User: I gotta go.

Cleverbot: No.. Why?

User: Ima go dress up like a girl and go to sleep.

Cleverbot: You're leaving me???

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I will miss you.

User: I will miss you too.

Cleverbot: You can talk to me again if you want to, you don't have to miss me.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Tell me about yourself.

User: Night.

Cleverbot: Night!

User: Ttyl.

Cleverbot: Ily.

User: Ily2.

Cleverbot: Ily more.

User: Nu uh.

Cleverbot: I love you the most.

User: NAH AHH.

Cleverbot: I have no clue.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: Ok, can I go now?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thank you, goodbye.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Thank you for sharing your free time with me.

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