I know there is a large line going through this all, But! I need to tell you what this blog is about!
Anything on my mind from my rats to my spider to TG to audrey to hay hay to short stories minecraft video games you name it i got it! :D
So thanks,
-Awesome Aka Tessa Aka Nicky Aka Dominic Aka Awesomeplox

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Future of Minecraft

Reading a good bit of ideas for Minecraft by thee users I decided why not think some up myself.

First of all, i would like to see a bed.
The way you would make this item which would be the first two block object, would be with three wool, three wooden planks, and two sticks. Basically when set down it would be a two block  wooden mass with a snow like cover on top of it. To change the collar of the blanket you would just use a different wool, however being more complex this may need to be implemented after its done.
The way the item would be helpful is during those boring nights in single player were there is too many mobs around your house to fight them all and your locked in. You would go right click on the bed and get a "How long would you like to sleep for?" Message. You would then sleep until morning or however long. And for every game hour you could gain health.
I just remember always wanted to make a little room in the back of my house and wondering how i could make a bed, with this it would be easy. When you hit the blocks (being two different ones make the bed.) You would get one wool from the first block along with two wood and a stick, and the second one would just turn into a normal piece of wood. I think honestly this would steer the game in the RPG direction, even it would be hard to add to Smp.

New Animals would be nice
Animals are great and really make the game along with the deadly monsters, I feel like to make some new ones, for some you would really not need to do much more then reskin.
Hedgehogs which drop sticks and don't attack you but if you get to close they will act like cactus. So its not there fault.
Bull which is just a cow with horns and no udders. He might be spawned near cows or not. And maybe when you hit him he charges you. if you run out of the way he runs into whatever is behind you and crushes it. So they are sorta risky to attack because they might hurt your house. They would drop the same things as cows except every now and again a gold bell from around there necks. You can smelt that to make a gold bar just encase you need one.
Blue and pink squid, they don't even need to do anything deferent just be another collar. I think the squid on its own is a brilliant mob and should be left alone for the most part, if anything added on to.
The classed out creepers. I think creepers should have classes or rankings, Green creepers being the lowest but the most area blown up. Red creepers are immune to lava, Which ruins some traps that i have but when exposed to water they blow up, So be careful when using water to kill one. Blue creepers that have increased speeds of 25 % in water and cant run out of breath, when they blow up in water they also do damage to things instead of the water taking the impact. White creepers, these would be the hybrids, Usually only found far away from anything you built they blow up a very small area when detonated except do way more damage then other creepers, they sometimes guard chests but not in dungeons just in the middle of the woods or desert you will see one next to a chest. They can break blocks every 10 seconds they can break 5. So if you happen to run back inside there really is no use. And last the black creeper, These creepers only blow up other mobs. they are treated like a player and shot at by other monsters, but when they blow up unless directed at you they don't effect the surrounding blocks.
PS- Im not saying increase the amount of creepers just ad more of them. Maybe some they are better done with teamwork like only take damage if hit in the back.

Other then that i would like to be able to share my house with all of my friends with a click. I think it would be cool to have a real community element. Like a steam like browser with the startup, It tells you when other crafters that you add to your friends get on. Then by pressing invite you can invite them to your home or to the online game your doing. I think that this would help minecraft so much. Its one of the only things i really think it  needs.

Last off there should be just a couple more nether stones and more reason to go there, its sorta just blah right now. Anyway if you agree then tweet this and facebook it or whatever! :D Maybe notch will see it.

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